The first major heat wave of the “pre-summer” season is upon us! Prepare for the scorcha’! 🌞 Here are some fun tips for staying cool and composed (mostly for myself) during this heatwave, along with a brief mid-month update.
Make sure to stay hydrated! Drinking water with electrolytes or just a pinch of sea salt may make a huge difference.
It's common to focus on hydration in hot weather, but it's equally important to eat well. The heat and humidity can diminish my appetite (and I'm someone who LOVES food). Opt for simple, cold dishes like smoothies, protein shakes, salads with protein, and ALL the fruit. And remember, despite what others may say, sandwiches are DEF dinner appropriate. If anyone objects, feel free to send them my way.
Head outdoors early to avoid the peak afternoon temperatures. Engage in some water play by turning on the sprinkler or filling up a water table. If you don't have one, filled buckets (with supervision of course) or a shallow storage container will do the trick!
Set up an umbrella or a pop-up tent for additional shade if your yard lacks tree coverage.
POPSICLES. And yes, they're not just for kids; we adults can indulge too.
Remember to take breaks. After playing outside in the morning, go inside to cool down. You can also connect with nature indoors by reading or bringing in natural finds. Why not cool off in the tub and invite explorers to bring in their nature treasures? (Too weird?)
Lastly, a potentially controversial and unpopular opinion: It's perfectly fine to turn on the AC and watch a movie when it's sweltering outside. I said what I said.
Quick, Mid- Month Update:
WildMotion Pure Barre + Willowdale Pop-Up Registration is FULL! I CANNOT wait for this Sunday! If you've registered, you'll get all the details you need to know Friday night in an email.
NEW SERIES for grown-ups! WildMotion will carry on with a new monthly series: Wellness Walk + Talks! I've been gradually reaching out to my entire network regarding an exciting new business venture as an Independent Consultant with Arbonne. I trust you know that I'm genuine, and I'll be just a real sharing this journey this with you. It's been completely outside my comfort zone but has been INCREDIBLE for my self-esteem, teaching me not only about business but reinforcing my beliefs about social-emotional connections and building relationships. I've been able to set aside judgments and embrace the opportunity fully and I'm so excited for what it can offer if I continue to put the effort in!
Initially, I didn't plan to hold the WildMotion event regularly; however, the Arbonne opportunity came to me just a few weeks ago, and after a training session last night, I'm excited to serve you in this new way!
You can register for our first FREE Wellness Walk + Talk here. It will be next Thursday, June 27 at 10AM at Lake Massabesic.

Be sure to continue to check-out and support Outdoor Bandits! FREE, weekly, toddler friendly hikes around our beautiful state! Join their Facebook Group and check out upcoming events below!

Register here for our International Day of Mud Celebration!

Stay cool, my friends!
