International Mud Day is celebrated yearly on June 29 and is founded on more than playing in the mud. At the World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education in 2009, Gillian McAuliffe from Western Australia and Bishnu Bhatta from Nepal met and gave thought to mud play in each of their communities.
Where Gillian lives in Australia, there is a lack of mud and they shared reluctance from their community for messy play. Bishnu has plenty of mud where they live but not enough resources to clean up or enough clothes to change into after messy play. Gillian went home and brainstormed with their students; they decided they would raise money to send to Bishnu. With $1,000, Bishnu provided their students with clean clothes, clean water, and a warm meal.
They've continued their relationship by raising enough money to complete a renovation at the Panckhal orphanage in Nepal and they celebrate mud day each year in their respective homes as well as with all of us internationally! You can read more about their story and the World Forum Foundation here: https://worldforumfoundation.org/workinggroups/nature/mud-day/
Want to celebrate at home? Check out these ideas from Tinkergarten for ways to celebrate at home and read up on my best tips for setting up a mud kitchen at home.

Join us Thursday for our celebration, a portion of each registration will be donated to the World Forum Foundation.